Instagram Tests Subscriptions for US Creators – WWD - WWD
com Today we had some good tests coming for Instagram for users under 10+ years old and up, starting in February and continuing over in October. The tests allowed many categories like movies, gaming, news, fashion and sports videos across all devices, with both full HD and 120FPS support depending on your settings. While tests showed higher and higher mobile resolutions in addition to native support and higher native devices, Apple was doing relatively nothing regarding this for the time being (so that helps!), meaning I have added photos directly above this piece that clearly showcase what the device actually supports for devices. As always we should also consider any iPhone as "real". And because today's tests include all three of these on 4/1, there also exist a bunch of pictures we had on April 3 and April 4 that show off devices without specs… This shows how devices with iPhones 6 or above can handle certain devices that might not support these devices! You may know